Proof of Pythagorean Theorem:

Pythagoras theorem is also called the Pythagorean theorem. Greek Mathematician Pythagoras of Samos introduced the Pythagoras theorem. He was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher. He formed a group of mathematicians who worked religiously on numbers. Greek Mathematician stated the theorem hence it was named after him as the “Pythagoras theorem.”  Pythagoras introduced and popularised the

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Explicit Differentiation and its Examples with Solution

Explicit Differentiation Explicit function: If is easily expressed in term of the independent variables ,Then is called an Explicit function of . Symbolically it is written as  Examples: Procedure: Step (1) when  and are not amalgamated or Explicit we assumethat  is differentiable function of . Step (2) Differentiate both sides of eq w.r.t . Step (3) Solve the resulting

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