Negation- Disjunction -Conjunction:


If p is any proposition its negation is denoted by ~p, read
‘not p‘. It follows from this definition that if p is true, ~p is false and if
p is false, ~p is true. The adjoining table, called the truth table, gives the
possible truth- values of p and ~p.



The conjunction of two statements p and q is denoted symbolically as
p/q (p and q). Conjunction is considered to be true only if both
its components are true. So the truth table of p /



Disjunction of p and q is p or q. It is symbolically written p ∨ q.
The disjunction p ∨ q is considered to be true when at least one
of the components p and q is true. It is false when both of them
are false.


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