

When solving higher degree equations, factoring is a useful tool for simplifying many algebraic expressions. Without understanding factoring, it is extremely difficult to progress in algebra beyond this point. It has been stressed in earlier chapters that terms and factors should be distinguished. Addition and subtraction of terms and multiplication of factors should be remembered.

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1.5 as a fraction

Mathematics is based on fractions. Fractions can also be used for all the fundamental operations performed on integers. The following steps can be used to convert a decimal number into a fraction. Step 1: In the numerator, place the given number, and in the denominator, place 1 in the decimal place followed by the number

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How to Find the Perimeter of a Parallelogram

A quadrilateral has two diagonals, and four equal sides with opposite sides equal called a parallelogram. In a parallelogram its sides never intersect but its diagonal intersects each other at the center point. The diagonal divides the parallelogram into two equal parts.  A parallelogram is a two-dimensional figure, and you can calculate its perimeter using

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