Vector Triple Product

Vector Triple Product Definition: Consider    be the three vectors, then the vector triple product of vectors is defined as Important Note: Through given any three vectors the following products are the vector triple products : Employing the well-known properties of the vector product, we get the following theorems. Theorem 1 : It satisfies the

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Quadrilateral Definition in Math

Quadrilateral Definition in Math: A quadrilateral (in geometry) can be defined as a closed,  two-dimensional shape which has four straight sides(edges).   The polygon which has four vertices or corners. Interior angles equal to 360^\circ[\latex] A quadrilateral can be regular or irregular We can find the shape of quadrilaterals in various things around us, for example in a chessboard, a

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Sudut , Sudut Tumpul , Sudut Lancip

Ketika dua garis lurus atau sinar bertemu pada satu titik yang sama, mereka membentuk sudut. Titik kontak yang sama disebut titik sudut. Kata sudut berasal dari kata Latin bernama ‘angulus,’ yang berarti “sudut.” Simbol Sudut: Simbol [katex]\angle[/katex] mewakili sudut. Sudut diukur dalam derajat (°) menggunakan busur derajat Contoh Praktis dari Sudut Ada banyak contoh praktis

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