Trapesium: Luas Trapesium, Rumus Trapesium

Trapezium adalah salah satu bentuk geometri yang penting dalam matematika. Bentuk ini sering kali dijumpai dalam berbagai konteks, baik dalam dunia nyata maupun dalam pembelajaran matematika. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas pengertian trapesium, sifat-sifatnya, dan beberapa contoh penggunaannya. Pengertian Trapezium Trapezium adalah sebuah bentuk geometri dua dimensi yang memiliki empat sisi. Sisi-sisi tersebut dapat […]

Trapesium: Luas Trapesium, Rumus Trapesium Read More »

Derivative of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

derivative of inverse hyperbolic functions where where where where where where Derivatives of sin inverse hyperbolic function Let. Differentiating w.r.t x Now by using formula. Now by using eq(1) Derivatives of cos inverse hyperbolic function Let. Differentiating w.r.t x Now by using formula. Now by using eq(1) Derivatives of Tan inverse hyperbolic function Let. Differentiating

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Derivative of Hyperbolic Functions with Examples

Here we will discuss the derivative of hyperbolic functions: Derivative of sin hyperbolic functions: differentiating w.r.t x Now by using the sum and difference rule. This is required derivative of sinhx. Derivative of cos hyperbolic functions: differentiating w.r.t x Now by using the sum and difference rule. This is required derivative of coshx. Derivative of

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Erfi Imaginary Error Function

Introduction Let be a complex variable of .The function Imaginary Error Functionerfi is defined by the following second-order differential equation ———-(1) The initial condition of (1) at 0 is Series and Asymptotic Expansions 2.1 Taylor expansion at 0. 2.1.1 First terms. 2.1.2 General form. The coefficients u(n) satisfy the recurrence —————(. Initial conditions of

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